Since the introduction of the UK Garbled Coin Policy in September 2019, The Royal Mint will no longer accept the return of UK coins from members of the public or individual businesses.
Anti-Bribery and Corruption Statement
The Royal Mint condemns corruption in all its forms and we will not tolerate it in our business, or in those with whom we do business.
The Royal Mint encourages discussion on our social media platforms but we would ask you to please note the following guidelines
Detailed information on personal data and its use for job applicants.
Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
The Royal Mint is committed to the highest standards of ethics and business conduct. This encompasses our relationships with our customers, our suppliers, our stakeholders, our competitors, the communities in which we operate
The Royal Mint is committed to providing equal opportunities for all.
In response to concerns that nickel-plated steel UK five pence and ten pence coins pose a potential health risk
Legal tender has a very narrow and technical meaning in the settlement of debts. It means that a debtor cannot successfully be sued for non-payment if he pays into court in legal tender.
The Royal Mint publishes a lot of information about how it operates and about its products and services. It is possible that the information you seek may already be published and, before making a request, you should check whether we already publish the information you want on this website.
Copyright and re-use of materials
These guidelines are intended to assist members of the public and others who are considering using UK coinage designs. They represent the views of the Royal Mint and are not intended to constitute legal advice.
It is the intention of the Group to comply with all tax legislation and to pay the correct amount of tax in each country in which it operates. This Strategy has been published in accordance with paragraph 16 of Schedule 19 to the Finance Act 2016.
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