
Every childhood has passing trends and standout characters, but some childhood favourites are so special that they are passed through generations. The story of The Gruffalo with its lead characters – the quick-witted mouse and loveable monster – has become a modern classic.

This beautiful set celebrates 20 years of The Gruffalo, combining a special edition of the storybook with a coin featuring the first design struck to mark two decades of the magical story. The silver coin brings the Gruffalo to life through vibrant colour printing and is presented in an acrylic block featuring charming illustrations.


Specification Value
Denomination 50p
Maximum Coin Mintage 30000
Alloy .925 Sterling Silver
Weight 8.00 g
Diameter 27.30mm
Specification Value
Reverse Designer Magic Light Pictures
Obverse Designer Jody Clark
Quality Proof
Year 2019
Pure Metal Type Silver
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