Celebrate Magical Moments with The Snowman™
For millions of families, gathering to watch The Snowman has become as much of a Christmas tradition as decorating the tree or leaving mince pies out for Father Christmas. We are delighted to welcome back our favourite festive friend for our official 2024 Christmas coin.

Share a Special Tradition
We have hidden a solid gold coin behind door 24 in one limited-edition advent calendar, offering one customer the chance of striking gold on Christmas Eve.
Capturing Christmas Excitement
Robin Shaw’s brand-new design shows The Snowman taking part in one of the most special moments of the festive period – placing the star at the top of the Christmas tree.
Memories to Treasure
Available in a range of editions, The Snowman™ 2024 UK coin is the perfect stocking filler or gift to give at Christmas that can be treasured and admired for many years to come.
Share a Special Tradition
We have hidden a solid gold coin behind door 24 in one limited-edition advent calendar, offering one customer the chance of striking gold on Christmas Eve.
Capturing Christmas Excitement
Robin Shaw’s brand-new design shows The Snowman taking part in one of the most special moments of the festive period – placing the star at the top of the Christmas tree.
Memories to Treasure
Available in a range of editions, The Snowman™ 2024 UK coin is the perfect stocking filler or gift to give at Christmas that can be treasured and admired for many years to come.
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