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The Trial of the Pyx

Don’t miss the opportunity to own coins from this year’s Trial of the Pyx. For the first time, the coins assessed for their quality and accuracy during this historic ceremony bear an exclusive privy mark and security feature, making them a fascinating and unique addition to your collection.

Trial of the Pyx
A Commitment to Quality

A Commitment to Quality

The Royal Mint is the only mint in the world subjected to such rigorous independent testing, so our customers know they will receive products of the highest quality. 

A Mark of Distinction

A Mark of Distinction

This year, for the first time, coins that have taken part in the Trial of the Pyx ceremony bear a special privy mark and a security feature, making them a must-buy for collectors looking for unique pieces.  

Honouring a Historic Tradition

Honouring a Historic Tradition

The Trial of the Pyx has been taking place since at least 1282, making it one of the oldest quality assurance processes in the world. Collect coins that have played a role in this historic ceremony.  

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